Safety Saves is an organization dedicated to meeting YOUR needs- when YOU need them. With many years of hands-on practical experience, you can be sure that our instructors will deliver quality training that is real and entertaining.
Corporate Training

Safety Saves is devoted to helping organizations of all sizes become compliant with regulatory agencies such as the Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) and the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA). The training and certifications we provide will minimize the exposure to fines while also minimizing lost time, liability and workers compensation claims.

Safety Saves is a full service training organization. In addition to our classes, we also offer consulting services. Our consulting services include one of our experienced safety professionals completing a facility walk-through. This walk-through allows our safety professionals to meet with the facility safety manager during the walk-through, and point out any compliance defeciencies. A written plan is provided that details any safety and/or non-compliant issues in your workplace. Once a safety plan is proposed, Safety Saves will assist with an affective written program and complete training program implementation.

Safety Saves is positioned to provide training programs for organizations of any size. Whether you have one central office, or locations throughout the world, Safety Saves will present programs that are consistent and reliable to your entire organization.

We specialize in training programs that are tailored to your needs! Call us today to see how we can help you.